Monday, June 11, 2012

Wheatley's Betrayal

Special Note: This post contains a minor spoiler for the game Portal 2. If you have not played the game and do not want to be spoiled, DO NOT READ FURTHER 

What the heck! Wheatley, I loved you! We had an arrangement! Me and you were going to change the world! Overtake GLaDOS and move right along with our lives! WHEATLEY! WHAT HAPPENED?! I THOUGHT WE WERE COOL, BRO?! I thought we were...

So, Wheatley betrayed me. The wedding is off, Steve Merchant! OFF! What am I supposed to do now? I loved this game. I can't play on, can I? With Wheatley as a big traitor? Ugh. What to do?

On a lighter note, though, GLaDOS is now a potato. Cool.

Oh yeah. Got two more rejections in the mail today. That leaves 5 more letters out there, awaiting response.

To be continued...

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Wheatley, My Love

An interesting chain of events has occured.

First, I completed Cabela's Trophy Bucks. I'm now up to 12 retail games. This brought me to starting the other Blockbuster game in the house, Portal 2.

Oh man. My life has changed.

1) I am in love with Wheatley, the amusing little bot. I'm not sure how yet, but I WILL marry this guy someday. He's voiced by Stephen Merchant, who isn't bad looking, and is only 37. He co-wrote The Office. He's funny, he's multifunctional, and he will someday be mine.

2)  My gamerscore is currently 39391. I'm about to hit the 40k, baby! So excited. Standby for my 40k post and the achievement that got me there.

3) Portal 2 is just the most amazing game. It's got the best script I ever could imagine. Sarcasm, wit, clever remarks, the cold hate that drips from GLaDOS' every word... Oh man. Between her and Wheatley, this could be my favorite game ever. We're going to have to look into buying it. Renting just isn't enough for this bad boy.

Hmm...two numbers on Portal 2? Is that okay? Well, it's my blog. I can do what I want.